Radioshow 16-3-18: Alternative Radiation (new music worldwide)

Alternative Radiation (new music worldwide)
● Podcasts:

Fr, 16.3.2018, 23h, Radio Lora/Zurich
Content: new music
RairdaWaldmelodieZauberhafte Tr?umeManagementManagementCD, 2018
Melody FieldsMorning sunMorning sunManagementManagementSCD, 2018
Belle and Sebastianwe were beautifulHow to solve our human problemsMVMVCD, 2018
Caraheroesyet we singCelticCelticCD, 2018
Jo QuailThe Breathing handFive incantationsManagementManagementCD, 2018
Abney ParkCreepUnder the floor over the wallManagementManagementCD, 2018
DMGDBrokenBrokenFBPFBPSCD, 2018
Chrome SparksStill thinkStill thinkNinja TuneNinja TuneSCD, 2018
BlaudzunHey NowGlitterhouseIrascibleCD, 2018
Musicpress-ReviewMusikexpress, feat. Quotes and tracks
HindsThe ClubMusikexpressMusikexpressCD, 2018
Feed The Rhinotimewave ZeroThe silenceCentury MediaCentury MediaCD, 2018
Roman BertschiMindflowFacebook-Gruppe neue Musik aus der Schweiz
Reto BurrellRising to the bait
Emanuel ReiterAussergew?hnlich
Playlist by Negative White ?Frauenmusik?
Crystal BallS.O.S.MassacreMassacreCD, 2018
Guerre FroideMoralit?CoruscantManagementManagementCD, 2018
EelsThe DeconcstructionThe DeconcstructionMVMVSCD, 2018
DrifterRustMoonstones + B-SidesManagementManagementCD, 2018
Stansfields, The Afraid of the worldAfraid of the worldRookie Rookie SCD, 2018

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