Kategorie: Playlists

Best of 2024: all tracks that have been played more than 10x throughout the year

Nick Cave Live in Zurich

Check out what we’ve been playing in 2024 on the radio: New albums and singles in our radioshows – listed are only those who reached more than 10 plays. So there’s plenty more. Please check our playlists! indie, gothic, alternative, rock, metal, punk, neofolk, dance, reggae, ambient, alternative, pop, rockabilly, psychobilly, punk…. One of the …

Radioshow: Indie-Block 45-46-2024 – new music worldwide (7.-16.10.2024)

OX Fanzine

Feat. new sounds, musicpress-review: OX Fanzine, new issue. Mo, 7.10. 21h @radiokanalk   Di, 8.10., 18h @radio.rasa   Di, 8.10., 21h @radio4tng   Mi, 9.10., 16h Radio RaSA   Mi, 9.10., 20h @radio15.ch @radio15betschi   Di, 15.10., 18h @radio.rasa   Di, 15.10., 21h @radio4tng   Mi, 16.10., 16h Radio RaSA   Mi, 16.10., 20h @radio15.ch @radio15betschi   PLAYLIST

Radioshow: Indie-Block 47-48-2024 – new music worldwide (21.-30.10.2024)

Musikexpress Oktober 2024

Feat. new sounds, Synthiepop-special, inspired by current issue ue Musikexpress, musicpress-review: Musikexpress. Mo, 21.10. 21h @radiokanalk   Di, 22.10., 18h @radio.rasa   Di, 22.10., 21h @radio4tng   Mi, 23.10., 16h Radio RaSA   Mi, 23.10., 20h @radio15.ch @radio15betschi   Di, 29.10., 18h @radio.rasa   Di, 29.10., 21h @radio4tng   Mi, 30.10., 16h Radio RaSA   Mi, 30.10., 20h @radio15.ch @radio15betschi   PLAYLIST more on …

Radioshow: Indie-Block 49-50-2024 – new music worldwide (4.-17.11.2024)

Metal Hammer Oktober 2024

Feat. interview with QNTAL, musicpress-review: Metal Hammer, new sounds Broadcast-dates:Mo, 4.11. 21h @radiokanalk   Di, 5.11., 18h @radio.rasa   Di, 5.11., 21h @radio4tng   Mi, 6.11., 16h Radio RaSA   Mi, 6.11., 20h @radio15.ch @radio15betschi   Di, 12.11., 18h @radio.rasa   Di, 12.11., 21h @radio4tng   Mi, 13.11., 16h Radio RaSA   Mi, 13.11., 20h @radio15.ch @radio15betschi   PLAYLIST more on www.facebook.com/leoswissradio