Podcasts: www.facebook.com/leoswissradio

? Sat, april 25th, 21h, Kanal K
? Sun, april 26th, 18h, Simutime Radio
? Radio Lora tba
? Podcasts: coming on www.facebook.com/leoswissradio
coming on www.facebook.com/leoswossradio
More infos + broadcast-dates_
Radioshow: LIVE – dark-ambient-Easter-special
Wire Train | Stone me | So soul no straub | Open Broadcast | Open Broadcast | Album, 1992 |
Illegale Farben | Frankie | Frankie | Rookie | Rookie | Si, 2020 |
Sister Moon | Greed | Corona-Homesessions | |||
Sister Moon | Interview | ||||
Happyness | Seeing Eye Dog | Seeing Eye Dog | Obscene Strategies | Obscene Strategies | Si, 2020 |
Frog Brothers, The | Mobin | Album | Management | Management | Album, 2020 |
Something Clever | Let it kill me | Let it kill me | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
Allola | Lights | Lights | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
Sister Moon | Just like spring | Corona-Homesessions | |||
Kepa Lehtinen | It's so dark | It's so dark | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
Symon Marcus | DJLeo-Sessions | Corona-Homesessions | |||
Symon Marcus | Interview | ||||
Sorry | In Union | 925 | Irascible | Irascible | Album, 2020 |
Lynx Afrikka | Str8 Acting | Str8 Acting | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
Four Tet | Band Practice | Sixteen Oscars | Solarmanagement | Solarmanagement | Album, 2020 |
Symon Marcus | Never give up | Corona-Homesessions | |||
Symon Marcus | Interview | ||||
James Stephen | The Deviation of You | The Deviation of You | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
Uncool Uncool | Lose | Lose | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
Acht Eimer H?hnerherzen | Gesellschaftstanz | Gesellschaftstanz | Rookie | Rookie | Si, 2020 |
Marc Rudin | Lass die Liebe siegen | Corona-Homesessions | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
Lime | Live-Session | Live-Session | |||
Russ Parish | Together | Together | Management | Management | Si, 2020 |
St?mpf | Lst and found | Corona-Homesessions |