Schlagwort: radioshow

Radioshow: Indie-Block 33-34-2020 feat. Lloyd Cole-box + Metal-Hammer-Review

Lloyd Cole _ Mainstream

Podcasts: Content In this issue of «Indie-Block» we’re giving Llyod Cole’s selected works between 1983-1989 a listen: Tapete records released this 5-CD-Box with his tracks including live-sessions and demos. We have a look at new issue of «Metal Hammer» celebrating 40 years of Manowar, 30 years with In Flames and a lot of other …

Radioshow: Indie-Block 02-07-2018 feat. Beth Beighey in Session – with DJLeo

Broadcast-Dates Radioshow: Indie-Block 29-30-2018 feat. Beth Beighey in Session – with DJLeo This week on the radio: «Indie-Block», new-music-radioshow. Live in session: Beth Beighey. Music-pressreview Orkus-magazine. Countdown: Zurich Open Air. Mon, 2.7., Kanal K. 22h Tue, 3.7., Radio RaSA 18h + Radio 4 TNG 21h Mi, 4.7., Radio Geschmack, 16 h Do, 5.7., Open Broadcast …